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  • The most important job of a chiropractor

    What do you think the most important job of a chiropractor is? Being a good adjuster is a wonderful thing. You can change people’s lives by decreasing their pain. Skilled soft tissue…

  • ten minutes of hot yoga

    Ten minutes of hot yoga

    Many of the problems athletes come to see me for are preventable. When they arrive, we deal with the problem at hand, and I begin to educate them on prevention as the…

  • The chiropractic adjustment isn’t just one thing: Part II

    In the previous blog post, I began to describe different forms of chiropractic adjustments. Now, I’ll deal in a form of adjusting entirely different from flexion distraction called a drop piece. This…

  • The chiropractic adjustment isn’t just one thing: Part I

    A patient I’ve known a long time came in recently with her husband. I’d never met him before, and he had no experience with chiropractic himself. He asked if he could watch,…

  • How Do I Choose The Best Mattress for Low Back Pain?

    I am often asked by patients, particularly those with low back pain, about the best mattress for low back pain. What follows is what I’ve observed over many years, including from my…

  • healing happens

    Healing Happens

    While there are many reasons people come to see a chiropractor, among the most common is chronic pain that has not responded to orthodox medical care. These folks have often been dealing…

  • Think Locally, Act Globally

    There are often problems in the body that are not what they appear. Referred pain, where the source of the pain is distant from where it is experienced, is a well-established phenomenon.…

  • Exercise: The Most Underused Antidepressant

    Recently, I saw an article by a personal trainer who suggested envisioning exercise without an aesthetic goal. Unfortunately, I can’t remember where I saw this. What I think he was talking about…

  • IT Band Syndrome Runners

    Cortisone Shots: The Right Choice to Treat Inflammation?

    Despite very wide usage, cortisone shots are poorly understood by the general public. Frequently applied for a wide variety of problems, they are unfortunately often applied without proper diagnosis. While they can…

  • Hardware and Software Problems

    The problems chiropractors fix typically fall into two categories, which I refer to as hardware problems and software problems.