Category / News / Back Pain

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  • How Do I Choose The Best Mattress for Low Back Pain?

    I am often asked by patients, particularly those with low back pain, about the best mattress for low back pain. What follows is what I’ve observed over many years, including from my…

  • healing happens

    Healing Happens

    While there are many reasons people come to see a chiropractor, among the most common is chronic pain that has not responded to orthodox medical care. These folks have often been dealing…

  • Exercise Plays a Vital Role in Stress Management

    In this time of cascading crises (the pandemic, on top of remote/hybrid schooling, on top of unemployment…), stress management becomes imperative. There are many effective means of stress management, so finding one…

  • Why is Chiropractic Sought Out by Millions of Americans?

    The Foundation for Chiropractic Progress is proud to announce the launch of another brand-new paper, “Why is Chiropractic Sought Out by Millions of Americans?” which focuses on the benefits of the chiropractic…